faster than attackers

Easily protect what you expose on Internet

Patrowl supports you continuously with an all-in-one platform.

More than 60 companies trust us

  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen
  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen
  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen
  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen
  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen
  • centre-hospitalier-ajaccio
  • heetch
  • mgen

Why Patrowl?

  • 50%
    of businesses close down within six months of a cyberattack

  • 60%
    of compromises come from an Internet exposed asset

  • +30%
    more cyberattacks between 2022 and 2023


number of assets
protected by Patrowl

An asset is generally an IP address and a domain name or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).


Focus on your real missions

Simplify vulnerability management and focus on remediation!

Discover all features

Regain visibility

Tired of discovering unreferenced (Shadow-IT) and vulnerable assets too late?
Continuously discover your Internet exposed asset (including your third parties), Shadow IT, counterfeiting and detect changes.

Stay up to date

Exhausted from weekends spent searching for where this or that vulnerable component was?
Be alerted in real time of threats impacting your organization such as referenced (CVE) and unreferenced vulnerabilities, as well as configuration flaws and unknown vulnerabilities (OWASP).

Take back control

Take advantage of our hyper-automation to handle time-consuming actions and allow you to focus on remediation and high value tasks.


Test your vulnerabilities

01 — 0 3

Do you know all your Internet exposed assets?

02 — 0 3

What are you looking to protect as a priority?

03 — 0 3

What are your cybersecurity needs?

End of quiz

Thank you for your answers!
To know more about your vulnerabilities, make an appointment.

How does it work?

Managing your vulnerabilities in 4 steps

  1. Rediscovering your internet exposed assets: Shadow IT, counterfeiting, change detection and data leakage

  2. Vulnerabilities identification: Current active threats and automation of penetration testing with vulnerability qualification

  3. Remediation: Easy remediation by a prioritized, pragmatic and detailed action plan with indicators of compromise (IoC). Send it in 1 click-through your ITSM service

  4. Continuous monitoring: Automated monitoring with 1-click retest, automatic checking for new vulnerabilities, and advanced custom controls


What is the difference between Patrowl and a vulnerability scanner?

Vulnerability scanners are mainly limited to checking the deployment of patches for known vulnerabilities, referenced CVE:

  • Patrowl ensures 100% security like a penetration testing but continuously: CVE, configuration error, OWASP, data leaks...

Vulnerability scanners are tools that require a lot of expertise and time to manage, configure and schedule scans:

  • Patrowl does all of this continuously, automatically.

Vulnerability scanners operate within a limited perimeter, which must be declared:

  • Patrowl continuously discover everything you expose on the Internet.

Vulnerability scanners generate unqualified reports, full of false positives, hundreds of pages long, unusable, requiring sharp expertise to analyze them:

  • Patrowl alerts you only on qualified vulnerabilities that present a real risk to your information system and provides solutions to remedy them.

Vulnerability scanners offer generic remediations:

  • Patrowl offers complete and detailed remediation, suitable for non-experts, with configuration or command examples to allow you to correct as quickly as possible.

How do you ensure zero false positives?

All vulnerabilities reported by Patrowl are automatically pre-qualified by several criteria including:

  • The technical severity of the vulnerability: CVSSv3

  • The criticality of the asset

  • The exposure level of the asset

  • The origin of the vulnerability

The vulnerabilities are then validated by an offensive operator.

How is discovery done?

You declare technical information (IP addresses and domain names) and/or general information (company name, subsidiary, brand, product name, etc.) and then Patrowl automatically takes care of the rediscovery. Patrowl pivots on different repositories or techniques such as Whois, subdomains, Certificate Transparency, Subject Alternative Name, Wikipedia, RIPE, etc.

Vulnerability management

Take part in our Webinar without false positives

March 11 at 1 p.m.

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