Everything you need to know about Cyberscore: challenges, objectives, criteria

Cyberscore offers Internet users the opportunity to assess the security of their personal data on the websites and social networks they use.

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Why is cyberscore important?

The Cyberscore rating enhances your website’s credibility and boosts user trust. The higher the score, the more reliable your website appears, improving the overall user experience. While not mandatory, it can be a significant asset for your brand image.

What are the main cyberscore criteria?

Only PASSI-certified providers (Information Systems Security Audit Providers) are authorized to conduct this audit.

Companies subject to Cyberscore requirements must undergo an annual audit covering the following sections:

  • Information system structure and governance

  • Sensitive data security and management

  • Monitoring and control of digital services

  • Dependency on third-party providers

  • Online visibility and exposure

  • Cybersecurity incident management

  • Evaluation and auditing of digital services

  • Cyber risk training and fraud prevention

  • Secure software development approach

Cyberscore solution

Patrowl can help you guarantee several sections of the cyberscore:

  • Internet exposure: with a CTEM (Continuous Asset Surface Management) solution

  • IT security audits: with 1-click reports

  • Secure development: taking into account OWASP rules and many other standards

  • Knowledge and mastery of digital services

Discover Patrowl

Data protection & digital service management

Gain visibility of your Internet-exposed assets and continuously control your attack surface with Patrowl mapping.

Identify the risks associated with Shadow IT and regain control of your exposure to ensure the protection of your data.

Level of exposure on the Internet

Patrowl continuously identifies known (CVE and CNNVD) and unknown vulnerabilities impacting your exposed assets. With our automated penetration tests, you'll be alerted to vulnerabilities arising from :

Modern development processes (SCRUM, Agile, DevOps,...) which impose a regular, even weekly, pace of production releases, inducing a risk with each new deployment

Threats and vulnerabilities discovered on an ongoing basis, so numerous that it's difficult to keep up with those directly impacting your assets.

Digital service audits

Patrowl continuously and permanently analyzes all your assets exposed to the Internet to identify your vulnerabilities, ensuring a year-round audit, with a predictable cost, smoothed over the year and no surprises.

Your questions about cyberscore :

When was the cyberscore introduced?

Cyberscore was implemented following the March 3, 2022 law. It aims to inform users about the security level of their data while browsing.

What is the purpose of cyberscore?

Cyberscore ensures a minimum level of availability (Operational Maintenance - MCO) and security (Security Maintenance - MCS) for websites with at least 15 million unique visitors per month.

Does cyberscore apply to all websites?

Yes, it applies to all types of websites, including e-commerce, corporate sites, and blogs. A site with 25 million unique visitors per month must maintain a high level of cybersecurity, particularly through Cyberscore compliance.