

The CyberScore is a cybersecurity certification for digital platforms made for general public, pursuant to the French law of March 3, 2022. Intended for sites with 15 million unique visitors per month (25m for 2024 and 15m from 2025), the CyberScore will ensure a minimum level of availability and security.

Subject companies must carry out an annual audit according to the following sections:

  • Organization and Governance
  • Data protection → Patrowl meets these requirements
  • Knowledge and mastery of digital service → Patrowl meets these requirements
  • Level of outsourcing
  • Internet exposure level → Patrowl meets these requirements
  • Security incident processing system
  • Audits of the digital service studied → Patrowl meets these requirements
  • Awareness of cyber risks and fight against fraud
  • Secure development



Data protection / Knowledge and mastery of digital service

With Patrowl's (re)discovery, you will be able to continuously (re)discover all your assets exposed on the Internet, including Shadow IT, and identify the risks concerning the data exposed.

For more details, read the description of our solution Patrowl.


Internet exposure level

With continuous and permanent identification of known (CVE and CNNVD) and unknown vulnerabilities, Patrowl perfectly meet the criteria of "Performing regular security scans on the exposure of the digital service on the Internet". These vulnerabilities have two main origins:

  • Modern development processes (SCRUM, Agile, DevOps, etc.) force a regular rhythm of production releases and go-live, even weekly, inducing a risk with each new deployment
  • Known threats and vulnerabilities, so numerous that it is difficult for you to follow the news of those related to your exposed assets on the Internet

For more details, read the description of our solution Patrowl.

pentest as a service

Audits of the digital service studied

Thanks to the continuous and permanent identification of known (CVE and CNNVD) and unknown vulnerabilities, Patrowl perfectly meets the following criteria:

  • Realization of security audits before the implementation of the studied digital service
  • Existence of a procedure for regular security audits of the digital service studied

Patrowl does continuous and permanent audits, all year long, with a predictable cost, smoothed over the year and without surprises.

For more details, read the description of our solution Patrowl.